Our reporters are wild, our news is true
Humans we are watching you.
Dear Humans,
We, the creatures of the wild, would like to extend our congratulations on your species’ remarkable achievements. You have reached the pinnacle of the food chain, dominating the planet and shaping it according to your desires.
However, as we observe your actions from afar, we cannot help but notice a troubling trend. Your insatiable greed for power and resources has led you to engage in destructive behaviors that harm both your own kind and the delicate ecosystems upon which we all depend.
Your wars, your pollution, and your exploitation of natural resources are taking a toll on our planet. We implore you to reconsider your path and strive for a more harmonious coexistence with the natural world. We watching your leaders treacherous moves and will keep updating you, the least we can do.
The Jungle Herald.
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