Our reporters are wild, our news is true

Humans we are watching you.

Dear Humans,
We, the creatures of the wild, would like to extend our congratulations on your species’ remarkable achievements. You have reached the pinnacle of the food chain, dominating the planet and shaping it according to your desires.
However, as we observe your actions from afar, we cannot help but notice a troubling trend. Your insatiable greed for power and resources has led you to engage in destructive behaviors that harm both your own kind and the delicate ecosystems upon which we all depend.
Your wars, your pollution, and your exploitation of natural resources are taking a toll on our planet. We implore you to reconsider your path and strive for a more harmonious coexistence with the natural world. We watching your leaders treacherous moves and will keep updating you, the least we can do.
The Jungle Herald.

About Me

TheBurrowed Bureaucrat, a seasoned badger journalist at The Jungle Herald, had spent countless years observing humans from the safety of his underground burrow.

His unique vantage point provided him with a perspective that few others could match. He had witnessed firsthand the rise and fall of civilizations, the triumphs and tragedies of humanity.
Unlike many of his colleagues at The Jungle Herald, Burrowed Bureaucrat was not easily swayed by emotions or sentimentality. He was a creature of logic and reason, dedicated to reporting the truth, no matter how unpleasant it might be. He had seen the best and worst of humanity, and he was not afraid to call it like he saw it.
His reporting was often blunt and uncompromising, but it was always honest. He didn’t care about the consequences of his words; he only cared about getting the facts out there. His colleagues sometimes found his approach abrasive, but they also respected his integrity.

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What some Popular animals have spoken about us.

“Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna nibh augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla viverra.”​

Harambe – (Never Forgotten)

“Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque cras duis.”​

Machli – The Bengal Goddess

“I’ve lived a calm chilled life thanks to many humans who supported my life and made it exciting, while I knew many who were nice, The Jungle Herald gave me visibility of the not so nice stuff. Obviously this stuff does get a bit depressing once you understand humans better, however reading articles of the Revolutionary Racoon I understood the depth of society and the human greeds underbelly, ironic how you think Panda’s are fat.”​

PanPan – WaPanda Forever.

Even though I was pardoned by Obama. The Jungle Herald apprised me about how Obama policies killed thousands of Yemenese, Somalian humans how he ran 500+ drone strikes that fueled terror. Thank you TJH for the eye opener.

Courage – NotAYoungTurk

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